“I’ve always been told, you are who you hang around with.” Well, here’s a few I’m happy to always hang with!
Walter W Cole/Darcelle
Walter and I had known each other for over 30 years. He became my “Pops” and was someone very special to me on so many levels. He passed in 2023 at the age of 92, but through our journey I spearheaded to get his house and club Darcelle XV Showplace on the National Register of Historic Places. He may be known as Darcelle, but he was always Pops to me.
Don Horn’s tribute to his friend Walter Cole | Oregon Jewish Life (orjewishlife.com)
Tonya Harding
Tonya is an amazing person. Many people will sneer at that comment, but to me she’s a gem. I got to know her when I was adapting the opera, Tonya and Nancy into a rock opera entitled, Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera.
A note, this photo was taken on my 54th birthday - she threw my only ever birthday party, that’s how special she is.
Tonya will be there when rock opera debuts - oregonlive.com
Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan: Kerrigan, Harding rock opera hits Oregon - oregonlive.com
Marv and Rindy Ross
You may know then as The Oregon Trail Band or Quarterflash but to me, they are amazingly talented friends that I’ve called on twice to collaborate songwriting with - once for ‘69 - the sexual revolution and the second for Darcelle: That’s No Lady.
Lisa Schroeder
This mega person is truly amazing. If you have a chance, go to Mother’s Bistro in downtown Portland and have the French toast! My favorite. Here we are at a Red Party event.
Jinkx Monsoon
I’ve known this special person since they were seventeen. Here we are backstage after their performance in Chicago in 2022. I was lucky to produce and act in The Rocky Horror Picture Show where I was the narrator and Jinkx was Columbia.
Vera Katz
The day Jeff and I got ‘married’ my friend and our mayor was there and stood up for us. She has passed, but I cannot express how much admiration I had for this firecracker. She was one of the ‘good guys’ in government.
Ellyn Bye
My sister in life ready for the next “bucket list adventure”. We’ve indoor skydived, we’ve zipped line and here we are doing ‘the rails’. Oh, and we also do pedicures together on occasion.
Helen Raptis
Many know her from being on television, I know here as a friend, a wonderful painter, and an actress that will work her buns off to find her character.