Trilogy Two: Second book of plays by Donnie (Volume 2)

Trilogy Two: Second book of plays by Donnie (Volume 2)


Donnie aka Donald Horn's second series of plays "TRILOGY TWO" takes you to known personalities.

First, is Harris Milstead or better known as Divine. No play has been written about this drag personality and in 1995 Donnie wrote and produced "Dishin with Divine". The play begins the night before Divine was to fly to Los Angeles to star on the hit Fox television show, Married WIth Children.

The second play is a play with music. This is a simple story of Billie Holiday set on the night of recording. She wanders through her life, tells some stories, and sings some great songs.

The final play of this series is about Sophie Tucker. This is the adaptation of the original play written by Wendy Westerwelle and Vana O'Brien.

98 pages

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